Contact Us We generally respond to email inquiries within 1-2 business days. Business Hours: 8a-5p Eastern M-Fexcluding U.S. holidays Get in Touch "*" indicates required fields Email WhitelistingBefore filling out the Book Information Form or our contact form, please ensure that you have whitelisted our email address in your email account. By filling out the form, you are affirming that it's your responsibility to make certain you can receive our emails.*Before filling out the Book Information Form or our contact form, please ensure that you have whitelisted our email address in your email account. By filling out the form, you are affirming that it’s your responsibility to make certain you can receive our emails. Yes, I understand it’s my responsiblity to ensure I can receive emails from Five Rainbows and that I have read the whitelisting instructions provided on the Five Riainbows website. Find whitelisting instructions here.Name* First Last Email* Your Message*CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.